Saturday, September 27, 2014

POST 3: Best vacacitions ever

Hi everyone!
Today i'm going to talk about my best summer vacations.
I went with my boyfriend to the south Chile in this summer. First we arrive in Puerto Montt, we were 3 days camping near the city in a lovely town called Chinquihiue, eating homemade bread and sopaipillas ( just delicious!!), also we drove Puerto Varas. In Puerto varas we visited the Sagrado Corazon de Jesús Church and we swam at the LLanquihue lake. Also we went to  "Saltos del Petrohue"  , and contemplate the beautiful landscape.

The next stop was Chiloe by ferry crossing "El canal de Chacao", it was a beautiful experience. 
We were 3 days camping in Ancud , and visited Castro (I would have liked to stay more days, but we don't have enough money).  

Finally we took a bus to Coñaripe, where is a nice place near Pucon.In Coñaripe there are a beatiful an calm lake "Calafquen". We camped in Coñaripe in front of the lake. I loved swim in Kalafquen because it was a quiet , the water is not so cold and you have an amazing view to the all place and the Villarica's volcano. On the last day of our trip we went to the Ricon's thermas (it was so relaxing!!). 

In short: It has always been a pleasant experience go to the south of Chile, more if i go to unknown places with a excellent company. I love the south for its weather, its delicious food, and its beautiful landscapes.


  1. Woow! good photographs!!
    The south Chile It's a beautiful place! so quiet!

  2. Nice pictures, this zone is very beautiful for to full exploring

  3. Chiloe it's a very beautiful place to meet . Really all the south of Chile is wonderful

  4. I love the south, too, Catalina.

    Nice post but pls be careful with your tenses.

    If you are writing about an event that happened before now, the verbs have to be in simple past.

    Here, "we took a bus to Coñaripe WHICH is a nice place near Pucon. "Which" because you are refering to the city, not to "where" something happens.

    Finally, after verbs such as "like" or "love" + another verb to express preference use the gerund.

    "I loved swimming in the lake..."

    2 pts
